Barbapapa decorations template

Here the template I realized to decorate the food on Nabiki's birthday party table.I modified what's written so that it can fit your needs and can be used both in italian or english... some...

Barbapapa mask template

And here they are!!! The first templates I used for my Nabiki's birthday.You can make a hole on each side of the mask (where you see the circles). Attach an elastic to both side...

Birdhouse paper template

It is spring now even if the weather is not really sunny and warm and I am still unsure between waiting before arranging the wardrobe and keep using winter clothes...In any case it is...

Beauty case checklist

For those of you who are often traveling as me, I thought that a checklist to prepare your beauty case could be useful...You can download the file here (it's in italian sorry): Beautycase_checklist

Sweet labels

Look how cute these labelas are??? Pigtails is sharing those for free on her site...You can download them here: Pigtails label

Baby angel party kit!!!!

And finally here it is!!!!!! Ready for you.. and moreover the ultra talented and sweet Paper Glitter thought about an extra present for you guys while we were preparing the kit... and yes.. it is now...

Cupcakes stand

I already saw these a while ago... not really these ones, but very similar... but until today, you could only buy them and receive them ready (no template or file to print as many...

Valentine’s Idea

As soon as I saw this templates, I fell in love!!! Aren't these just lovely? And they are also available for free... ready for your fantasy to be used  :-) Take a look on...

Angel cut out

And here the last file I will share for now on the angel theme... In the future you should find also the pink version, so stay tuned!Thanks again to Paper Glitter not only for...

Place cards

Here also the place cards.. But stay tuned because while I was speaking with Paper Glitter in these last days I heard a beautiful news! Some of her readers liked so much the angel...

Angel cupcake wrappers

Here for you the angel cupcake wrappers in blue and yellow!You can download the template for free here: Angel_cupcake_wrappers

Sandwich labels

Did you like my angel sandwich labels?I can ensure you that not only they are beautiful but they are also really useful.. they help people not to make crumbs everywhere while they take one...

Angel rountags

And here fir you the circle rountags you can use to decorate your table, your food, use it to transofrm them in stickers for goodie bags, paper cups or whatever comes in your mind.I...

Brownie wrapper

A chocolate cake or brownies are always something really fast to prepare and always appreciated when served at parties. Instead of cutting slices you can prepare small squares and wrap them with matching paper.. in...

Baby paper shoe template

And here it is.. the first surprise for you! yes.. you understood correctly... the first.. because here at simplyNabiki we want to help you mommies out there sharing templates for free and helping you create...

Napkin rings

And here also napkin rings in two beautiful colors to decorate your happy table for mother's day!You can download them here: Strawberry napkin ringsDon't forget to visit Paper Glitter's site to download all her printables too....

Dior Evento Master Fragrances 2012

Dior Master Fragrances 2012: E' sempre un piacere per me parlare di iniziative in cui le aziende cosmetiche si mettono in gioco e aprono...

India Party

Un party originale e colorato ed un tema poco visto in rete...  Volete scoprire qualcosa in più su questo Indian Party?Correte e vedere le fotografie...

Sweet labels

Look how cute these labelas are??? Pigtails is sharing those for free on her site...You can download them here: Pigtails label

Chanel pirate un rosso intenso e che non passa

Chanel Pirate Un rosso intenso e che non passa decisamente inosservato…se vi sentite in una giornata particolarmente grintosa:-)

Picnic party

A while ago, when I saw the beautiful picnic party organized by Love, Ink (you can see the pictures  here), I immediately thought it...