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…Minus 2!

There are not so many things to eat that I can prepare so much in advance, but fortunately sweets and cakes are the ones that can resist the most.. I will do the rest between friday...

Pumpkin meringues

Let's count together...minus three!Tonight was meringue night... the recipe is really simple: 4 white eggs and 250 gr of confectionary sugar (I used the vanilla one). Work the white and slowly add the sugar...

Chocolate cups

A very cute idea to decorate your table or to serve a special dessert is to realize some small chocolate cups to fill with your favorite creamHow to prepare them? 1. Melt some chicolate using...

Hazelnut Doughnuts

Today Cannelle et Vanille published a beutiful post with recipe on how to prepare some pumpkins and hazelnut doughnuts.From the pictures they seem delicious and I think they are a nice idea for a winter...


Today I spent two hours ironing :-( I was so behind with my schedule for it that I could not avoid it any longer... but I was lucky that Nabiki slept really a lot.......

Sweet ensamble

When I think about a beautiful table, colours come immediately in my mind... delicate or even stronger ones doesn't matter, but I think they play a very important role because they give a different impact on who...

Halloween test

I am slowly preparing myself for Halloween... so I am checking in my mind what to cook, the snacks I would like to serve, the appetizers, beverages, decorations and of course ... sweet thingsThis is...

When someone has talent…

Well.. there is nothing to do... when talent is there, is there... I think this engilsh girl creates simply adorable cakes and sweets... these for example are so beautiful that it is worth trying.. of...

Cowgirl cookies

Some persons are really genius and extremely creative!Bakerella is for sure one of them... not only she creates fantastic cakes but they are also a beutiful spot to present them on the table or...

Relax non è solo un bel bagno caldo…

Noi mamme si sa, siamo abituate a fare qualsiasi cosa secondo un'equazione semplice: il tempo a disposizione è inversamente proporzionale al numero di cose...

Dior Addict profuma la tua estate!

Se non siete mai state ad un evento Dior, vi consiglio di provare l'esperienza almeno una volta.Il 13 e 14 Giugno a Milano, il...

Aspria Harbour Club

Le vacanze di Natale ormai sono quasi un ricordo.. la frenesia lavorativa ha ripreso il suo ritmo e mi mancano i giorni in cui...


Oggi un piccolo regalino per chi vuole risparmiare un po'... Salvate l'immagine con il tasto destro del mouse e personalizzatela aggiungendo un vostro testo.Potete...

Own trat for classmates

School is almost over now and it would be a nice idea to leave your classmate a little something to remember you during summer...