Strawberry mother’s day party kit!


The first days of May we will celebrate Mother’s day and for many days I thought about how I could celebrate it without becoming crazy and, in the meantime, preparing something nice for my mother.

In addition, now that I am also a mother, I thought about all those children who would like to create something with their own little hands and give it to their mommies… so why not offering them a little help from the web?

While I was out for shopping I had an illumination: strawberries!

mother's day strawberry party kit

They are beautiful, colored, everybody like them and it’s their season (which means that you can find them with no problem and without spending too much money). Perfect! It was the right idea to start thinking about a menu and also about a party theme, so I immediately run to my pc and drew a strawberry icon.. cute, and yet not enough…

So I forwarded everything to my dear friend Paper Glitter and I proposed her to create something together: a new party kit to give for free on our sites!

She immediately reacted with enthusiasm and she liked the idea so much that we had to “create” something immediately… With her talent the design became so much better and the items we came up with, are ultra cute!! Here the result to tease you ;-): 

strawberry party kit mother's day

strawberry invitation

The kit,that you will be able to download for free, includes:

– invitation and envelope

– party hats

– napkin rings

– flags, decoration and toppers for your food and table decoration

– a sweet basket that you can fill with candies, cookies, etc…

– cupcake wrappers in two different colors

strawberry party decoration

strawberry napkin rings

How to get them? Well it is very simple… Just come back to visit each day from today and do the same with  Paper Glitter‘s fantastic site! We will both publish one item for free on each site until the set will be completed!

strawberry party hats

strawberry cupcakes wrappers

strawberry basket

Today on you can download the invitation here:

 Invitation and envelope

Stay tuned because I will post also about small gifts and food that you can prepare for mother’s day if you are interested.

Have fun and, most of all, happy mother’s day to all the mommies in the world!


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  3. I enjoyed checking out your blog today and I will be back to check it more in the future so please keep up your good quality work. I love the colors that you chose, you are quite talented!

  4. I enjoyed viewing your blog and I will be back to check it more in the future so please keep up your good quality work. I love the colors that you chose, you are quite talented!

  5. I just love these! What a great collaboration! The two of you individually do amazing things and together, I’m blown away!!! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Thank you again for sharing these wonderful party kits! I love these! We had a cloud party last week in our neighborhood! Now strawberries! I’m so excited.


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