Own trat for classmates

School is almost over now and it would be a nice idea to leave your classmate a little something to remember you during summer and to wish them nice holidays...So, when I spotted these...

Vanilla bath salts

Today I prepared some vanilla bath salts... a while ago I bought some glass jars (the same you use for food preparations)... I covered the top with normal paper that I made before with...

Handmade gifts

Christmas is near and I thought it was useful to share some gift idea that you can prepare with your own hands for who you love...If you need more details or you want to...

A sweet start…

Today was cleaning day for me, so not much time to dedicate for something creative...In any case a while ago I bought some mini boxes of chocolate with the idea to give them as...

Mini pin cushions

Few months ago my mother-in-law gave me a beautiful handmade pin cushion as a gift... i loved it!I also tried to replicate it with my little hands ... unfortunately the experiment was not a...

Tissue holders

I promised myself to make some more pictures of the tissue holders I realized for my nieces for the Back to School party. This is why in the end I took the chance to...

Al mare con Citroën‎

La nostra avventura inizia con il ritiro della compagna di viaggio: una Citroen C4 che abbiamo subito provveduto a caricare al massimo.La macchina...

Look Pink Flash

E' difficile vedermi con dei colori troppo accesi addosso.. il fucsia in particolare è un colore che mi ricorda moltissimo la mia adolescenza e...

Monurelle Intimate Beauty Care

 Monurelle Intimate beauty care è la prima linea di trattamento per la bellezza intima. Monurelle nasce come risposta al bisogno delle donne di prendersi cura...

Regali fatti a mano

Natale si avvicina e così ho pensato di condividere qualche idea regalo da preparare con le vostre mani per le persone a voi care...Se...

Aspria Harbour Club

Le vacanze di Natale ormai sono quasi un ricordo.. la frenesia lavorativa ha ripreso il suo ritmo e mi mancano i giorni in cui...