Place setting practice

Today on the web I found a beautiful and useful idea that can help our children to learn while playing...My daughter is still too young but for sure when she will be older she...

The magic of Christmas

And here it is! Lyrics, music and voices are mine while arrengements and mixing are done by Antonio B.The title is The magic of Christmas.. I hope you'll like it! My daughter is jumping up...

Felt biscuits

For mommies who has a daughter like me or for whoever is searching for a very special and unique gift to prepare with her own sewing machine, these pictures are really an inspiration that...

Christmas song

It is already the fourth year that, just before Christmas time, I work with a friend on a Christmas song. This year we will record a song that I wrote all by myself (both...

Ready for winter

In these last days it started to become colder and I had to cover Nabiki a bit more than usual... This year it is probably less complicated to dress her up.. even with hat...


What is this? This is exactely whatI asked myself when I saw this picture..  confess that I was more amazed for the little cute bag and this is why I clicked on the picture...


I wanted to keep all the precious objects that remind me about Nabiki's birth.. the ones coming from the hospital and that she is not using of course...On the other hand it was not...

simplyNabiki ed Elle Italia

simplyNabiki intervista Sabrina Bottone - caporedattrice Beauty di Elle Italia  

Sephora.. una piccola occhiata all’autunno 2012

Una piccola anteprima di quello che succederà da Sephora il prossimo autunno... tante sono le novità e molte le cose interessanti che sono sicura...

Tissue holders

I promised myself to make some more pictures of the tissue holders I realized for my nieces for the Back to School party. This...

Vinci il concerto di Justin Bieber

È scattato il conto alla rovescia per partecipare al concorso “Will you be my Girlfriend?". Fino all’8 marzo ogni fan di Justin Bieber ha...

Label.M Diamond Dust nuova linea capelli

Quando si hanno i capelli trattati come i miei, scegliere prodotti giusti è importante e fa la differenza e se devo pensare ad un risultato...