Ladybug baptize


For Nabiki’s baptize we started choosing a theme color and from a symbol: we chose the ladybug and pink and red as colors…


The cake was a giant chocolate ladybug cake covered with MMF and we also had ladybug cupcakes in pink (vanilla and straweberry inside) and red (chocolate and whipped cream insiede).

As favours (here we call them”bomboniere” we found some ultre cute boxes in a ladybug shape (they are made of papier-machè) and we filled them with pink and red almond and chocolate candies (italian confetti). My housband and I built the structure using wood and some fabric so that it looked as a grass field and with my sweing machine I also prepared some flowers.


Obviuosly we had some beautiful centerpieces matching the colors… pink and red gerberas.. and last but not least we also prepared by ourselves the buffet. It was really a big job and sooo many things to do but the result was really beautiful.

We bought plates, glasses and everything in paper at Pisotti in Milan.

The bamboo boat are coming from High Tech and we filled them with a rice & pasta salad. To complete the menu sandwiches, focaccia, mini pizzas, veggie mini salad, brioches, pastry, etc etc…

Table plan , placeholders, invitation and favours were all done with our little hands ;-).

For the children I also made some bears with my sewing machine with their name embroidered that I used as placeholders for the children table.

Below you can also see the templates I drawed for the baptize. If you want to replicate this theme you can download the templates by saving the files and modifing them with your software!





If you want to receive the original psd file or the Power Point version, contact me via e-mail and I will send them to you.


  1. Hi! Please send me the original psd file! My baby girl’s first birthday is in January 2012 and I’m planninga ladybug party aswell! Thank you for the wonderfull blog!
    South Africa


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