Made with heart…


I already wrote that I always had a passion for creative things but I started practicing every day the moment Nabiki was born (dunno why.. maybe is a “mum thing”… create something handmade and really special for your baby).

One of the first persons who supported me (especially with sewing because until that moment I did not even put a button on) was my mother in law.

One of the first present she gave me was this beautifil fabric heart that I hung up at the little room door (of course I am not so good in embroider this is why I bought a sewing machine that does embroidery for me ;-))


Do you also want one? No problem because you can prepare one for yourself very easily…

On paper draw a heart shape and then cut it so that you can use it as a pattern. Then draw the heart on a double piece of your favorite fabric.

With your machine, sew along the heart border leaving a small opening of 2-3 cm so that you can turn the heart inside out. Cut the heart, fill it and sew handly the last piece. If you want to hang it up, also sew a ribbon on top of it.



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