Today we host a small tea party to celebrate Sinterklaas with the italian side of the family (especially for Nabiki and all the other girls) and also to start spreading the mood for Christmas… Even with my ankle, with the great help of my husband, we managed to have a good result. Thanks also to my oldest nephew who spent the morning baking and decorating meringues and cakes with me!
Among the different cakes we also served a beautiful ice-cream in a shape of a wine bottle (it’s not handmade, we bought it like this, but still very good!)
Instead, we prepared a beautiful dessert table with chocolate in Christmas tree chapes, chocolate block that we used to prepare warm chocolate milk glasses…
Chocolate bells, chocolate gingerbread and tree cakes…
Chocolate meringues and Christmas cupcakes decorated with candy canes… I also found this beautiful stand at Ikea with paper cones that I fileed with sweet cookies.
Macadamian nuts already toasted and salted… cheese with fruit mustard, chips, small milky sandwiches and olives…
To decorate the table we used candy canes, some plastic lollipops in Christmas colors,sweet geleés in santa, snowman and tree shapes and the mini Nutella I found a while ago…
Well, considering it was a tea party, the food was more than enough but if you are considering making a party around lunch time be sure to have more salty things to fill all tummies !