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Halloween countdown!

It is almost here!.. only three days and a half for the Halloween party! I am very busy with the preparation but I wanted...

Gingerbread house

Yesterday mu husband and I , decorated the house with Christmas tree and decorations.. yes I know... it is maybe too soon, but we...

Lancome in Love Makeup Collection

Il rosa sembra essere il colore della prossima primavera nonostante su tantissimi blog io continui a leggere che il colore decretato come must della stagione...

Birdhouse paper template

It is spring now even if the weather is not really sunny and warm and I am still unsure between waiting before arranging the...

Party in arrivo…

Ormai mancano un paio di giorni e sto finendo di preparare le ultime cose... E ovviamente mentre preparo mi vengono in mente altri dettagli...